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Why ESKA Colours mean more


As we all look ahead to brighter days, we want to invite you to discover our latest colourful exhibition.

We hope our 3-layer solid-coloured board with its intense, bright colours made of recycled and recyclable materials will lift your mood and boost your feel-good.

One last view through our exceptional ESKA Virtual Gallery: Step in our unique space for creators and brands: it’s positivity – packaged.

Positivity – packaged!

Now, get ready to jump on the colour wheel.

ESKA Colours are so tantalising you can almost taste them.

A pink that pops, a red that revs up your senses, blues that soothe and citrus colours that are so fresh you’ll think the paint is still wet! Exciting, inviting and utterly inspiring. Dive in to the full range of ESKA Colours.

Or better still; let us lift your spirits with a ‘yours to keep’ collection of ESKA Colours’ ‘Best Bits’ designed and destined to brighten up your life, aesthetically and positively.

Sit back, relax and enjoy a veritable and inspirational feast for the eyes, and the soul…

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At ESKA, we don’t just add sumptuous colour to a brand’s life. We add value – and lots of it.

We’ve spent a century or so pioneering, processing and perfecting our premium packaging, all with one secret weapon: sustainability, thus giving us colours with conscience and material with meaning.

Why, we were recycling raw materials for luxury packaging way before it was deemed ‘cool’ to do so. That’s because we like to tread one step ahead, always innovating, always aiming for excellence – forever and for everyone.

Always aiming for excellence.

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We believe that those who stop, stagnate.

Those who rest, fail to impress. 

Only by continuously discovering and developing, can we push through the ‘can’t do’, to find exciting new ways to improve and inspire: for people, for products and for the planet.

Beautiful and meaningful

Put simply, it’s no longer enough to just ‘look good’. These days, brands must ‘do good’. Call it innovation with integrity. A revolution with responsibility, you get the gist. We’ve all got to do our bit.

ESKA has led the way in how high-end brands are processed, packaged and presented to the world today. By placing accountability at the very heart of our art, we exude meaning as well as majesty (we’ll take a bow if we may).

Our exquisite ESKA Colours range quite righty sits centre-stage – intense, vibrant and brilliant, this three-layer solid coloured board is the last word in luxury for packaging, inserts, displays and stationery – bursting with colour, brimming with class.

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A rainbow of responsibility

This world-leading solid board boasts the brightest, most beautiful hues with infinite printing, shaping and cutting possibilities. Its stiffness is a designer’s dream – for pretty much any idea can be realised , as for every use it ‘lays flat stays flat’.

The piece de resistance of course, is that all this premium packaging comes in its purest possible form. And that equals all kinds of amazing! Gone are the days when second hand was second class, poppycock to folk who write-off recycling, or to those who turn their nose up at ‘not new’…

Sustainability has never been so colourful, or fashionable.

And it’s here to stay (in all senses of the word).

Sustainability from source to sign off

Fairly early on (did we mention we’ve been around since 1879?), we had a plan to create a sustainable circular economy, from conception to covering and everything in between.

So recycling isn’t new to us. It is us. It’s who we are. It literally runs through every (recycled) fibre of our being. You could even say it comes ‘naturally’.

It just makes sense – environmentally, financially and organically. And while it’s not rocket science per se, it’s certainly been a breakthrough in how something so stunningly beautiful can come from recycled fibre.

Genius. (Even if we do say so ourselves.)



At ESKA, no waste is wasted.

  • 100% of ESKA products are FSC or PEFC certified.
  • We focus on reusing recycled fibres.
  • We use household recovered paper, delivered in bales or loose.
  • Our recycling process efficiency is more than 95%.
  • The remaining 5% of impurities (plastics, etc) is separated in the cleaning process and converted into green steam in our Waste to Energy plant.
  • ESKA products are fully recyclable.


Discover more or read our White Paper for the full picture.

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Sometimes, we start at the end

Our commitment to sustainability will always be front of mind. At ESKA, it’s not just about profit. It’s about the planet, and the global impact on the environment. It’s about taking responsibility for recycling, being mindful of the materials we use – long after we’ve gone. It’s about the processes we implement and the impact they may have, what footprint they may leave.

Before we even start a project we take all of this into consideration.