Our production process

It all starts
with the— raw material
Just how do we create luxury packaging while respecting the environment?
We use only 100% recycled paper to make our solid board. We promote transparency at every step in our process, are open to scrutiny and only award contracts to like-minded companies.
Giant steps, small footprint
We have taken giant steps to reduce our carbon footprint – investing heavily in measures and facilities that optimise energy consumption. So much so, that we have one of the smallest carbon footprints within our industry.
Gasifying since 2016
We use natural gas. Naturally. But we don’t stop there.
We’ve been generating our own energy with a gasification plant since 2016. Material sorted from recycled paper that cannot be used in the production process (rejects) is transformed in steam, which is then used to fuel our own paper and board production process.
Lorry loads of energy savings
By using the gasifier, we also eliminate the need for lots of lorry trips to and from our sites to dispose of waste. Approximately 800 lorry trips less per year means we save 95,000 litres of diesel and cut down on exhaust fumes too.
Rejects & energy – in perfect synergy
By bringing together rejects and energy to work in synergy, we get 75% less waste, 30% less gas consumption, C02 emissions are reduced and 100% of recycled wastepaper is put to good use.
A zero waste mill is well within our sights.